Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Still unsafe at any speed

Dear Mrs. Higgins,

Did the American thing today. Yes, I flipped off an illegal immigrant. (just tryin to do my part)

Ok no, actually I voted. Its always an interesting process. Pretty laid back and easy here. The voter police here in Savoy take it way seriously. Pretty sure they were doing this same job during the Roosevelt election. Not FDR, Teddy.

These girls verified my name, address, and signature. Wish I was as thorough at my job.

That said, as I walk away, I can’t help but think about the price paid for this cushy right I always take for granted. These blue hairs and this process are about as American as you can get.

Its an incredibly beautiful fall day here. Not a cloud in the sky, and I have my flag flying, as do a bunch of my neighbors. The leaves are just about maxed out in a way that only they can.

And I’m thinking: America is a pretty good gig.

So as I step into the booth to set this country aright, I see that Nader is running for president, again.

Really. Ralph freakin Nadar.

It made me want to ask Pamela Anderson out on a date.

“So you’re saying there’s a chance!”

I’m picturing Ralph sitting in his living room, watching the results come in saying:
“Wow! .004 percent. I thought I was gonna carry that state. Should have made one more speech at the local head shop”

Maybe GM will send him a Corvair.

What do you think, Mrs. H?


Dear Mike,

Don’t be bad mouthing the Corvair. Best car I ever had.

Glad you voted.

Go give your life guard friend a call, but I’d bring penicillin.


Mrs H.

History note to young readers:
In 1965 Ralph Nader wrote a book called “Unsafe at Any Speed”
blasting General Motors, and the Chevy Corvair particularly. It was the beginning of a whole world of reviewing products for safety, and launched Mr. Nader’s career. The book is credited with actually improving safety design in American autos. So the guy isn’t the useless tool he appears to be. (well almost isn’t)


Unknown said...

I got my free cup of Starbucks yesterday, too. Was hoping for a long line to miss some of my very important work to do, but it was just me and bunch of ol'people making sure I am who I say I am, in the bottom of the 7th Day Evagelist Church(what do those people belive in, anyway?)

This is the thing I don't get, I filled in my box with a pencil at 1pm in the afternoon, and they had it all counted by 9p local time?? I don't know who these electoral people are, but it sounds like they get a different color ballot.

Either way, if my vote counted or not, I felt absoultly inspired last night as I heard both canidates give their speeches. McCain looked more presidential last night than ever-- relaxed and supportive. But, Obama's stabilty character, speech and energy of the crowd, just brought me to tears.

I know I have a degree in Journalism, and should feel like a sucker, but sheepishly enough, I felt very patriotic to see a change in history before my eyes.

Jordan said...

Oh no, Garett has officially become Oprah. We should have seen this thing coming a long time ago.