Thursday, October 9, 2008


Dear Mrs. Higgins,

I read today that someone farted at the New York Stock Exchange, and Henry Paulson promptly threw 10 billion dollars at him.

Where is all this coming from? Where is it going?

I want to get really worried about it, but I can’t understand it enough to start accurately stressing.

Do I need a bailout? Seems like a couple billion might be a good thing.


Dear Mike,

The only thing you need bailed out of is the prison of your own feeble mind.

I’m thinking maybe we’ve just had too much, bought on too much debt, for too long. House prices in California have been crazy for years - 1200 foot 2 bedroom for $750,000? No one thought it would end. California is getting a wake up call and the world is affected.

Now debt ain’t available. So we gotta throw all these billions to keep the debt rollin so all these financial institutions can keep building skyscrapers.

Maybe we don’t all need a $500,000 house or a $40,000 car - especially if we have to borrow to get it.

Maybe business expansion should come from yesterday’s profit, rather than debt - which is tomorrows profit.

Maybe we’re gonna get to simpler financial times.

But all these billions are goin to avoid the pain of that change.

You just keep workin boy.

Earnin is way better than borrowing or getting money from your Uncle Sam.

Love and kisses,

Mrs. H


Unknown said...

I've been wondering about the same thing. Everyone's talking about the shit hitting the fan- smart people too (not just my boat-building boyfriend). Should I be worried?

As you know I've started working for the rich. Only a half a week in and can tell already the fundamental differences and my cultural misunderstanding.

I'm staying next too one of the nicest log moutain homes in the area, filled with Cuisanart kitchen supplies and top of the line furniture, bikes, clothes, food, and books about "how to reduce stress in your lives", "be a better parent", "living simplier"

I know I don't know much about this life and am only a stranger of this family, but they leave at 6am and come home around 9p. There kids are taken care of people like me- and although I know these parents honestly care a lot about their children it seems either money or work takes precedent over their children. These kids crave attention and the parents check-out, expressing cynism instead of guilt. Overworked and overpaid. It's nice to have nice things but it seems so obvious to me that they are missing the big picture. And I have to wonder, how many families or marriages of friends live this way?

So when I think about this money crisis, I just have to think it will all be alright. Like Mrs. Higgins-- maybe all this saving and then spending isn't so bad. Maybe we will actually like what we have then. Although, it's easy for me to say-- when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.

Krista said...

I love you dearly but am convinced you have lost your mind. Writing to "Mrs. Higgins." How much old style is in the fridge? Not much I'd wager...just empty cans in the trash! Gotta run. I have to go fill up my giant gas guzzling SUV in order to run to the bank to try and refinance my big-ass house since my stocks are now worth 1/3 of what they were yesterday!!

HA! Love your blog! I will be reading it faithfully and enjoying every minute of it!