Saturday, March 21, 2009

Issues in Left Field

Dear Mrs. Higgins,

It started with Uncle Stan. Then my big brother Cecil, who is kinder and gentler (and would probably wince at the Bush Sr. reference). Then Donald Miller, the Blue Like Jazz guy. And now: Anne Lamott.

I’m starting to love liberals. I think this is a problem.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d still rather see a person get a job than a handout. I believe unions are a big part of what’s wrong with our economy, corporations can actually be good things, less government is always better, and Reagan was the best president this side of Lincoln.

But liberals aren’t stupid. It would be a lot handier for me if they were.

And now, some are worshiping the same Jesus I do.

Not mother earth, or the sky, or trees, or Al Gore, Jesus.

I even like Obama. So far out of dozens of things he has proposed, I agree with two of them: revamping education and stem cell research.

The rest of his stuff, not even close.

And I even liked him on Leno the other night, although W would have been impeached and probably shot for the “Special Olympics” comment.
(most likely during the next commercial break)

Anyway, Mrs. H, I liked it a lot better when I considered all liberals short sighted, atheistic, idiots.

I don’t think I want to start loving these people.

What do I do?


Dear Mike,

You may be starting to grow up.

Of course you can love people with opinions different than yours.

Not everyone thinks like you do.
(that in itself is evidence of a kind and loving God)

Just love them.

And once in a great while, when you aren’t proclaiming your truth from on high, you can be quiet and listen.

You don’t have to join the ACLU, but you can listen.

And I agree with you about Ronnie.
(agreeing with you always makes my stomach a little upset - now where‘s my Pepto)

Love and kisses,

Mrs H.


Jordan said...

Well, to start, I love greasy-headed liberals as much as the next guy, but not quite sure if I can jump on the Anne Lamott train.

Turns out I don't think W. is Satan (Obama, either, though, just to clarify..) but have a hard time emphasizing with someone with such raw Christian beliefs that would still believe the leader of our free world would be in any way comparable to such hate as Satan.

On another note, I do believe in stem cell research, also, but like most things, I believe in it with conditions.

If you believe that human life starts at conception, we need to have some type of line drawn to where this research is appropriate. Using umbilical cords, or even placenta, as research could literally save tons of lives, but creating life
(as in sperm and egg, even in a petry dish) soley for research, isn't exactly something I believe in.

As Obama said when he lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research, "medical miracles do not happen simply by accident." I believe this, but I also believe that God does not create a life by accident, either.

So, not too sound like some grumpy, old, republican white guy, but God has given us life and the gift to improve it. I don't think He meant us to kill life to improve others, we have so many other options. I want to cure cancer, leukemia, diabetes, and other maladies as much as the next person, I just want it done in a way that is ethical and what I think God would want us to do. And if we get to the point where this type of research is appropriate, and a commonality, when does it end? At what point do we stop?

By the way, Mrs. Higgins, sorry for coming on so strong, and thanks for keeping my dad in line. That's a hard job to fill.. :)

Jordan said...

By the way (Oh jeez, it's Jordan, again), I don't think all liberals are greasy-headed.... in fact, I'm probably more greasy-headed than the next guy/girl (though don't tell my clients that... I have a reputation to uphold...)