Monday, September 22, 2008

Out of the closet

Dear Mrs. Higgins,

I’m learning about music. This seems strange. I’ve been playing the guitar since I was about 14, and singing even longer. Also played a horn of some kind in band for 5 years or so, but now I’m learning about music, and I’m wanting to learn more.

Lots more.

Something about the bass, this new instrument (and new band) is inspiring me to want to become a real musician.

You know I’ve been a very lazy guitar player. I used to capo around any song that had a single hard chord. (still do sometimes if all the chords are tough)

I’m even a lazier songwriter. Having written maybe 30 or 40 songs, I treat them like unloved step children. Couldn’t tell you the words or chords to more than a few, or
even list the songs themselves. They were important at the time, way important.
Now I have to stop and think how they go.

But now I’m starting to memorize music. I want to know the components of the chords, all about triads, and 7ths and 9ths and all the theory and how the bass can set the table.

I’m thinking I’ve been a closet bass player for years.

Do you know if there is a “Bass Player Pride” parade anywhere nearby?



Dear Mike,

Oh yes, I remember your band days. Used to love watching you at about 95 pounds marching and carrying that tuba that weighed 40 - especially on a windy day.

Maybe you are just growing up. Taking a little more care of the talents God has given you.

Its good for you. You’ve been resting and coasting for a long time.

Also doesn’t hurt that you are the weak link of the chain. I’ve heard those boys play, and you got some catching up to do - which is also good for you and your oversized ego.

And especially don’t forget this is ministry. Learn the theory. Set the table for the voices and other guitars, but remember to worship first and foremost. This ain’t no bar band.

Now get practicing.

Love and kisses,

Mrs. H

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