Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

Dear Mrs. Higgins,

And how are you today my post-menopausal friend? Find your teeth this morning to get through the oatmeal and prune juice?

Enough about you dear, I heard yesterday that Rush talked two hours about Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” comment.


Just when I thought there might be a place for some substance.

Any wonder liberals consider conservatives a bit dull?

And callers to Rush’s show fawn strikingly like Oprah’s fan base. …Dittos to you too, dude. (whatever the hell that means - I‘m sure there is a secret handshake involved)

Anyway, I would absolutely love it if McCain and Palin would really take the high road for the rest of the campaign. Not beat up on Obama’s experience, or harp on the fact that Biden belongs in an Oscar Meyer wrapper in the meat case - just point out how well more government works and how well it doesn’t. Maybe get out the crayons and spell out what free trade actually means.
(ok, I really do miss Ronnie)

Well, I’ll let you go. You probably need to get back to your “stories” (aka As the World Turns)

Love ya,


Dear Smart Ass,

And aren’t you just full of yourself today!

What happened, did you actually kiss a real girl instead of getting your lovin over a computer screen? (You know, you do remind me a lot of Kip, except I remember your high school hair, and that was all Napoleon)

And, as usual, you’re missing the point. Rush is an entertainer. He isn’t the great white carrier of the conservative banner - no matter what he or his fans think.

Neither is Fox. Both sell ads and need ratings. They’ll follow any story they think will attract attention. (think a half step above National Enquirer)

And don’t get too excited about teasing my breakfast. Your time will come to eat like this faster than you can say triple bypass.

And leave my stories alone, dammit. Boy, you are annoying.

Mrs H.

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