Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 17, 2008

Dear Mrs. Higgins,

Sorry I haven’t been in touch lately. I’ve been busier than a feminist bashing Sarah Palin. (why did I think that a smart, articulate, family oriented woman would be kind of accepted)

Note to any woman running for office: if you want the support of feminist groups, you need to be front and center in favor of legalized abortion. (sorry, “choice” is for selecting ice cream)

Anyway, on a significantly more important note:

My front yard is mowed! Heck yeah!

As soon as I pulled that 8 year old 26 inch Walmart push mower (aka "PowerDeathBlade") into the front yard, the neighbors were up and cheering.

One kid even brought over a can of pop. (I’ll be really glad when he turns 21) Pretty soon the whole neighborhood was into it.

My home schooled neighbor kids put up a banner - “way to go Mike.” That was awesome! Hey, those people are just like us. They put on their plaid-bib-overall-shorts-school-uniforms one leg at a time - just like the rest of us.

So, I’m all about accomplishment Mrs H.

How have you been, Dearie?


Dear Mike,

Who the hell you callin “Dearie”?

Glad you got some work done. You may want to tackle the back yard now. You might find some tennis balls, maybe a racket, maybe even a court.

Pretty sure there is a couch out there somewhere too, Mr. White Trash.

And layoff those sweet children. I ain't exactly seen you on the cover of GQ lately.

Mrs H.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your blog is one of my favorite things about lunch hour- well except lunch itself. Although, I don't know why I even break for lunch. I make an excuse to go eat anything at any break. Finished a sentence, time to go warm up 5 day old coffee cake.

In addition, I think SNL is onto you. I've heard rumors as Tina Fey playing Palin last Saturday. I think Joey's selling the family secrets.